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- Part B
- Sequence 1
ctrl left-click
this link (open link in a new tab)
- Sequence 2 (memorize it first)
ctrl tab
(go to the tab on the right)
ctrl l
(select URL)
ctrl c
ctrl shift tab
(go to the tab on the left)
- Sequence 3 (memorize it first)
ctrl n
(open a new web browser window)
win right
(snap current window to the right)
(confirm placing most recent window to fill left area)
alt tab
(switch to last window)
- Sequence 4
ctrl v
ctrl t
(open a new tab)
ctrl k
(focus on the input bar to do a search using you search engine)
ctrl v
alt down
x2 (go down one element, twice)
ctrl enter
(open selected page in a new pane)
alt down
(go down one element)
(open selected page in the current pane)
alt left
x2 (slow) (navigate back)
alt right
x2 (slow) (navigate forward)
ctrl w
x3 (close current pane)
- Sequence 5 (memorize it first)
ctrl shift t
x3 (reopen last closed pane)
win left
(snap current window to the left)
(confirm placing most recent window to fill left right)
alt tab
(switch window)
win right
win left
win up